Sunday, April 3, 2011

Boyyyzzz to Men.

As Boyz to Men once Said in their classic love song " End of the Road:"

Although we’ve come  halfway down the road
Still I don't want to go
It’s unnatural, I belong in spain, Spain belongs with me
Come to halfway down the road
Still I really don't want to go
It’s unnatural, Spain belongs to me, I belong to Spain.

Point of that being, I've passed the halfway point in my travels to this far distant and beautiful land. So I think now is a perfect time for some reflection, deep thought, and maybe a cookie or two with my cup of Spanish espresso.

I made goals. One of them was to improve my spanish vastly and to attempt to get as close to fluent as possible.

Currently, I'm not fluent, but from a standpoint of practicality, I should no longer have an issue translating "Caremel frappuccino with extra caremel and whip cream." at the ol' Starbucks, and believe it or not, I may even be able to figure out what pastry they want on the side. Regardless, with a month left I'm hitting the Spanish harder than to much horseradish sauce on a Sandwich.  Any  amount of horseradish is always to much.

The other goal was to have fun. And so far that might be happening. I can't say for sure, but everytime I look at where I am I can't help but feel that nothing can go wrong, and all is right in this world.
I love this city. It feels like home, and I don't know what will happen when I have come to the end of my proverbial road here.

What I've come to realize is that my life is different now, and It won't ever be the same after this experience. Knowledge flows through this city like wine flows into Spaniards cups every afternoon round 4:00.  Not just through the multitude of universities and learning facilities, but through the safe and beautiful environment that Salamanca gives you to just figure your shit out.

From the Gardens of Calixto & Mebilla, to the river by the ancient roman bridge, Wisdom and beauty seep out from beneath the golden sandstone. As Beck Said, " I think I'm in love, and it makes me kind of nervous to say so," because this city, and the many people who are in it and apart of this fantasy have helped exponentially on my journey of growing from Boy to Man, and I hope I don't get turned back again.

Now Playing:  I've been listening to The Black Key's new Album Brothers all morning and currently it's getting sentimental with some "Never Gonna Give you Up."

That one Goes out to you Salamanca, and all the Special People that call you home.

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